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Hunters Point South The Project Hunter's Point South is a proposed mixed-use,affordable housing development situated on approximately 30 acres of prime waterfront property in Long Island City.
Up to 5,000 housing units, 60% of whichwill beaffordable to lowmoderate income families, reservation confirmation sample are expected to be developed on the site.
NYCEDC, as part poarch creek indian reservation of reservation hotel reservation in toronto confirmation sample an inter-agency initiative, seeks to revitalize this underutilized waterfront to improve the quality of life of New York City residents.
NYCEDC's scope includes the design and construction of the infrastructure and roadway as well as a 10-acre waterfront park, which will support the seven housing parcels of Hunter's Point South.
This Project is being implemented in phases, with NYCEDC's scope of Phases 1 completed in August 2013.
Phase 1 reservation confirmation sample reservation confirmation auburn hotel reservations sample of the Infrastructure and Waterfront Park Project includes the area bound by 50th Avenue to the north, 2nd Street to the east, 54th Avenue to the south, and the East River to the west.
Phase 2 air tahiti reservations includes the indian railway reservation pnr status area bound by 54th Avenue to the north, 2nd Street reservation confirmation sample to the east, Newtown Creek to reservation confirmation sample the south, and the East River reservation confirmation sample reservation confirmation sample to the west.
Phipps Houses, Related Companies, and Monadnock Construction have been selected to complete Phase 1 housing reservation confirmation sample construction of the project.
This includes two mixed-use buildings of more than 900 housing units and roughly 20,000 square feet of new retail space.
100% of the housing in this phase will be for low, moderate, and middle-income families.
Other additions will include five acres of new reservation confirmation sample waterfront parkland, a new school, new retail space, and parking.
TF Cornerstone has been selected to complete the third housing parcel in Phase 1. High-resolution images are available for download in our Press Images section.
Development Plan Design principles informingthe development of Hunter's Point South include: Establish and protect views disney dining reservations phone number Create a dynamic waterfront park Develop pedestrian and bicycle friendly streetscapes Ensure a smooth transition from Hunter's Point neighborhood to waterfront Create a new urban fabric Present a varied and compelling skyline Incorporate high quality and sustainable design practices Encourage alternative transportation Community Involvement On minot hotel reservations November 19, 2009, Community Board 2 held a public hearing hotel reservation software download for the proposed development at Hunter's Point South.
The proposed project plan was presented by representatives of NYCEDC and the New York City Parks Department.
Therewas an opportunity at the end of the reservation confirmation japanese hotel reservation sample presentation to ask questions and to make comments on the proposed project plan.
On May 7, 2015, NYCEDC presented an update to the Hunter's Point South project and the Phase 2 progress to Queens Community Board 2.
For information about the application process and eligibility requirements for specific buildings please refer to theDepartment of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) website.
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